Let's Get V!rtuous

Let’s Get V!rtuous
“Imagine your ideal value chain to better transform it and to make it a reality”
- under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union -
Through collaborative innovation, how is it possible to improve your value chain and make it more resilient, more robust and more eco-responsible?
Becoming ‘virtuous’: What it is and how to get there.
It is now possible to evolve the linear economic model, extractive, governed by single use, towards a virtuous model: more and better circular, locally sourced and managed, repairable, regenerative, and eventually symbiotic.
To do this, GreenWin intends defining the ideal value chain in five specific themes. In this value chain, each link makes its contribution to a more circular approach, less exhausting of available resources, less or even non-polluting and, why not, as soon as possible, regenerative and symbiotic.
Therefore, GreenWin invites the most innovative companies in its ecosystem to reflect on their own value chain, and analyze together and very concretely how and where improvements are necessary and desirable.
Through this process, these companies will co-opt around our work tables, partner companies, links in their value chain, whether they are located and active in Wallonia or in other European territories.
>>> Activation of international commercial, technological or R&D&I relations and creation of a working group and setting up of dedicated European projects, such as EGTC CleanTech.
5 themes to explore through their value chain:
> Air: indoor air quality
> Reuse of construction materials
> The development of wooden construction
> Waste flow management of windows frames
> ...
Promises and deliverables:
- Meeting with straightforward and constructive exchanges between links in the same value chain
- Meeting with solution providers
- An exchange of best practices, including applications in other sectors
- International benchmarking
- Co-constructed objectives for improving (processes, costs, etc.) value chains
- An inventory of needs to achieve this objective for each value chain.
- Ideas for collaborative projects to innovate and improve the links in the value chains reviewed in detail.
- Identifying missing links to complete value chains by making them virtuous.
- Recommendations to be passed on to regional political decision-makers and brought to the attention of European authorities.
Programme :
10.00 > 10.30: Reception
10.30 > 11.00: The importance of a long-term vision: case studies with 2 technological and strategic roadmaps over 10-15 years on Construction and Hydrogen
11.00 > 11.15: Home Sapiens: imagining the buildings of tomorrow
11.15 > 1.00 p.m.: “Let’s Get V!rtuous” brainstorming – work in thematic tables *
13.00 > 13:45: Lunch
14.00 > 16.30: “Let’s Get V!rtuous” brainstorming – work in thematic tables *
16:30 > 18:30: Networking drinks.
*According to Hackathon methodology and rigor > the approach involves/requires:
- Work ahead of the event on the analysis of the value chains of cluster project leaders: we contact “our” innovative companies to ask them the current composition of their value chain and the contacts to invite, in Wallonia or elsewhere.
- We also ask them what their needs are
- The production of a typical virtuous value chain, as broad as possible: the theoretical model, martyr
- Inviting cluster project leaders and their value chain partners
- The involvement of companies outside Wallonia which participate in these value chains.
Why put our value chains under the microscope like this?
We live in a world where commercial relations, driven by the globalisation of the means of production and consumption, have allowed us to access many goods and services over the last 60 years.
However, environmental and demographic pressures are forcing us today to question our ways of consuming and producing.
Because resources, as currently used, are essentially limited. Because we expose ourselves, in addition to the geopolitical pressures allowed by too strong geo-dependence, to climatic and migratory events which are already painfully materialising.
Consumer choice - demand - is certainly at the heart of the conditions for success of this change of model. But businesses also have an active role to play.
They are as much or even more a source of solutions than of problems, and when they are not, they must become so.
Regulators, particularly in Europe, are tackling the subject of limited or vulnerable resources and imposing/will impose constraints so that industrial and societal transformation takes place, at all costs, towards a virtuous, regenerative model.
Thus, the European Union programme, NextGenerationEU, is investing more than €800 billion in this transformation.
For companies, three attitudes are possible: passivity, reactivity or proactivity.
Passivity will condemn them to disappear, reactivity will impose on them the status of follower, proactivity, that of an actor or even a leader, shall make them master of their destiny.
To change or create things, you have to imagine them. And to imagine them is already to make them exist.