
Extending & Improving Mineral Resource Lifespans : Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Perspectives

21 May 2025   Conference

The Circular Wallonia Days is a two-day international event taking place on May 21-22, 2025 in Mons, Wallonia (BE). It aims to connect regional ecosystems from all over the EU, fostering dynamic industrial partnerships along the value chain of mineral materials. It provides a unique opportunity to showcase projects and exchange good practices in addressing one of Europe’s most pressing challenges: achieving strategic autonomy for construction materials. While rooted in the Greater Region (Wallonia, Brussels, French Lorraine, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the German Länder Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland), the conference is designed to engage all European regions.

Pricing [ contribution to costs ] for 2 days
GreenWin, Win4C & SIM Members:

  • € 80.00
    Non Members :
  • € 150.00

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    *The number of places at workshops is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. You may be asked to modify your choice. Thank you for your understanding


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